上海童涌贸易有限公司是国内著名的促销礼品赠品供应商,专业致力于促销赠品、设计、制造及销售。致力于为客户提供更好的更合适的促销赠品。主要服务于世界500百强的消费品公司如联合利华,达能,欧莱雅,英辅教育等,为其提供全方面的服务。 同时本集团在中国大陆设有一个餐具及日用品生产基地,员工达850人。专业致力于五金餐具、日用品及促销赠品的设计、制造及销售。专业服务于欧尚,弓箭,宜家,沃尔玛等大型采购商,产品主要出口欧洲及美洲市场。因公司业务快速发展的需要,及能够更好的为客户在中国及国外的机构提供优质、全面、快速的服务。公司决定诚聘各类英才,欢迎有识之士加盟,与公司共同成长、发展,共享成功!
Shanghai Wingfull trading Co., Ltd was invested by Wingfull Enterprise who focus on consumer products, POP and premium business.To provide service to the company of Fortone 500 such as Unilever, Loreal, Danone etc. One factory is located in mainland with 850 stuffs there to manufacture metal flatware/cutlery. Most of our clients come from Fortune 500 in Europe and USA, such as Auchan, OTTO and TESCO, Wal-mart ,etc.Upon the fast growing business, a new office will be set up in Shanghai in order to expand our business and provide better and faster service to our clients who have offices in China and abroad.